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    發布時間: 2024-11-22 16:16 更新時間: 2024-11-22 16:16

    備受矚目的FHC上海環球食品展在上海新國際博覽中心正式拉開帷幕。作為全球食品飲料行業的重要展會之一,FHC吸引了來自世界各地的人士前來參觀和交流。今年,意大利對外貿易委員會(ITA)攜手30家意大利卓越企業參展,向與會者近距離展示該國豐富多樣的優質食品與飲料產品。除了意大利國家館,眾多意大利公司也積極參與,集中展示了意大利食品和飲料的卓越品質和創新成果,成為本屆 FHC 展會中參展企業多的國際展團。

    On November 12, 2024, the much-anticipated FHC Shanghai Global Food Show officially kicked off at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. As one of the most important exhibitions in the global food and beverage industry, FHC attracts professionals from all over the world to visit and communicate with each other. This year, the Italian Trade Agency, together with 30 outstanding Italian companies, exhibited at the show, showcasing the country's rich and diverse range of high-quality food and beverage products to attendees up close. In addition to the Italian Pavilion, a number of well-known Italian companies also participated in the exhibition, focusing on the excellent quality and innovation of Italian food and beverages, forming the largest international participation at this year's FHC.



    展會首日, 意大利對外貿易委員會與參展意大利企業組成意大利國家展團,精彩亮相N3展館。意大利國家館沿用簡潔獨特且極具意大利風貌和元素的設計打造,采用意大利guoqi經典的紅、白、綠色調,展館布局明亮簡潔,充分展示了意大利在食品領域的創新、品質和傳統。今年參展的企業涵蓋多種食品類別,包括意大利面、橄欖油、奶酪、黑醋、甜點和咖啡等,彰顯了意大利在地理標志保護(PGI)食品領域的領導地位。

    On the first day of the exhibition, the Italian Trade Agency and participating Italian enterprises formed the Italian Pavilion, which made a wonderful appearance in Hall N3. The Italian Pavilion was designed with simple, unique and very Italian style and elements, adopting the classic red, white and green tones of the Italian flag, with a bright and concise layout, fully demonstrating Italy's innovation, quality and tradition in the field of food. This year's exhibitors covered a wide range of food categories, including pasta, olive oil, cheese, balsamic vinegar, desserts and coffee, highlighting Italy's leadership in the PGI food sector.



    上午,意大利對外貿易委員會與中國各地的22位意大利廚師齊聚一堂,意大利廚師協會主席Giuseppe Tino致辭表示將繼續推廣意大利美食文化。意大利國家館的豐富活動如意式早餐、南部地中海美食展示、咖啡和奶酪大師班,吸引了數百位行業和美食愛好者前來體驗。

    In the morning, the Italian Trade Agency gathered with 22 Italian chefs from all over China. The president of the Federazione Italiana Cuochi (FIC) Giuseppe Tino gave a speech expressing his commitment to continue promoting the culture of Italian cuisine. The Italian Pavilion's rich program of events such as Italian breakfasts, demonstrations of southern Mediterranean cuisine, and coffee and cheese masterclasses attracted hundreds of industry leaders and food enthusiasts.



    第二天,意大利駐上??傤I事館總領事安緹雅Tiziana D’Angelo女士、商務領事艾珊Alessandra Palumbo女士、意大利對外貿易委員會上海代表處首席代表迪嘉慶Augusto Di Giacinto先生、副代表秦佳Cinzia Sarli女士等一行人來到展館,并參加開幕儀式,大中華區國際慢食協會秘書長孫群先生主持開幕活動,并表示:“意大利的美食傳統源于多樣化的地區性食材和菜肴,注重社交和本地產品的價值,這也使得意大利成為慢食運動的理想發源地。”

    On the second day, Ms. Tiziana D'Angelo, Consul General of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, Ms. Alessandra Palumbo, Commercial Consul, Mr. Augusto Di Giacinto, Trade Commissioner of the Italian Trade Agency Shanghai Office, and Ms. Cinzia Sarli, Deputy Trade Commissioner, and their entourages came to the pavilion and participated in the opening ceremony. Mr. Sun Qun, Secretary General of Slow Food International Greater China, presided over the opening event and said, “Italy's culinary tradition stems from a diverse range of regional ingredients and dishes, with a focus on socializing and the value of local products, which makes Italy an ideal birthplace for the Slow Food movement.”


    開幕式上,意大利駐上??傤I事館總領事安緹雅Tiziana D’Angelo女士在致辭中表示:“FHC意大利國家館不僅是一場美食盛會,更是推廣美食可持續發展和社會責任的重要平臺。意大利美食早已成為優質美食文化的象征。此次活動為中國消費者提供了親身體驗意大利食材和美味的機會,幫助更深入地了解意大利優質食材?!卑簿熝排吭诿襟w采訪中也提到,由意大利外交與國際合作部在全球主辦的第九屆全球意大利美食周將于11月16日至22日舉行,通過全球活動展示意大利卓越的美食傳統和產品。此次FHC意大利國家館作為美食周在華東地區的開幕活動,精心挑選了意大利食材和經驗豐富的主廚,確保呈現地道的意大利風味。

    At the opening ceremony, Ms. Tiziana D'Angelo, Consul General of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, said in her speech, “The FHC Italian Pavilion is not only a culinary event, but also an important platform to promote gastronomic sustainability and social responsibility. Italian cuisine has long been a symbol of quality food culture. This event provides Chinese consumers with the opportunity to experience Italian ingredients and flavors first-hand, helping to gain a deeper understanding of Italian quality ingredients.” Ms. Tiziana also mentioned in the media interview that the 9th Week of Italian Cuisine in the World will be held from November 16th to 22nd, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, to showcase the excellence of Italian gastronomic traditions and products through a global event. The FHC Italian Pavilion, as the opening event of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World in East China, has carefully selected authentic Italian ingredients and experienced chefs to ensure the presentation of the most authentic Italian flavors.


    隨后,意大利對外貿易委員會上海代表處首席代表迪嘉慶Augusto Di Giacinto先生在致辭中表示:“意大利和中國同為文化悠久的國家,雙方在美食領域有著深厚共鳴。ITA不僅致力于展會推廣,還積極推動烹飪教育,與多家烹飪學校建立了長期合作,進一步傳播意大利美食文化。在展會首日,意大利國家館分發了600份美食品鑒,廣受好評?!?/p>

    Afterwards, Mr. Augusto Di Giacinto, Trade Commissioner of the Italian Trade Agency Shanghai Office, said in his speech: “Italy and China are both countries with a long history of culture, and both sides have deep resonance in the field of gastronomy, and the ITA not only devotes itself to the promotion of the exhibition, but also promotes the culinary education, and has established long-term cooperation with a number of cooking schools to further disseminate the Italian culinary culture. On the first day of the exhibition, the Italian Pavilion distributed 600 food tastings, which were well received.”


    意大利對外貿易委員會上海代表處副代表秦佳Cinzia Sarli女士補充道:“ITA在中國設有四個辦事處,致力于支持意大利美食文化的推廣。意大利在地理標志保護(PGI)領域擁有853種認證產品,彰顯了在國際市場的領導地位。在本屆FHC展會上,我們展示了意大利26種中歐地理標志保護產品,以向中國觀眾呈現意大利食品的獨特品質與傳承?!鼻丶雅窟M一步補充道, ITA一直以來通過多種線上線下渠道推廣意大利食品,不僅與意大利烹飪藝術學校爾瑪Alma合作推出烹飪教育項目,還與本來生活、Epermarket、家樂福、盒馬等主要大眾市場零售平臺簽訂了長期合作協議。此外,通過在中國社交媒體上持續發聲,意大利貿易局不斷擴大意大利美食的影響力,為更多消費者了解和體驗意大利風味創造機會?!?/p>

    Ms. Cinzia Sarli, Deputy Trade Commissioner of the Italian Trade Agency Shanghai Office, added: “ITA has four offices in China dedicated to supporting the promotion of Italian gastronomic culture. With 853 certified products in the field of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), Italy has demonstrated its leadership in the international market. At the FHC, we showcased 26 italian PGI products to present the unique quality and heritage of Italian food to the Chinese audience. ITA also promotes authentic Italian food through multiple channels online and offline, including culinary education programs in partnership with Alma, The School of Italian Culinary Arts and long term agreements with major mass market retailer platforms like Benlai, Epermarket, Carrefour, Hema etc and expanding the reach of Italian cuisine on Chinese social media.” 



    In the following event, the Italian Pavilion kicked off a new day of tasting activities with Italian street food, running through healthy dining, special holiday desserts and olive oil master classes, showcasing to guests the full essence of Italian food culture. It is worth mentioning that the ingredients and raw materials during the Pavilion's activities come from the 30 companies participating in the exhibition.

    意大利菜將營養、健康、品質與風味巧妙融合,創造出一種均衡而愉悅的烹飪藝術,堪稱地中海 飲食文化的 。它與我們快節奏的現代生活完美契合,滿足了人們對優質營養的迫切需求。 2023年,意大利食品和飲料的出又額激增至554.9億美元,較2022年增長了8.75% 。截至2024年 的前七個月,出又額已達到344.0億美元,同比增長7. 34%。

    Italian cuisine is a harmonious combination of nutrition, health, quality, and flavor, offering a balanced and delightful culinary experience that exemplifies the Mediterranean diet. It is an ideal choice for our fast-paced modern lives, where the need ofr excellent nourishment si more important than ever. In 2023, Italian food and beverage exports reached a record $55.49 billion, marking an 8.75% increase from 2022. By the first seven months of 2024, these exports had already reached $34.40 billion, representing a 7.34% year-on-year growth.

    中國消費者越來越重視健康和食品安全,意大利食品以其健康益處和精致又感在中國市場上備受推 崇。2023年,中國從意大利進又的食品和飲料產品總額增至7.61億美元,同比增長2. 18%,這一 增長在中國整體進又下降5. 14%的背景下顯得尤為突出。

    Chinese consumers are increasingly prioritizing health and food safety, and Italian food is celebrated in China for its health benefits and exquisite taste. In 2023, China's imports fo Italian food and beverage products rose to $761 million, a 2.18% increase from the year before. This growth is notable against the backdrop of a 5.14% drop in China's overall imports.




    The successful display of the Italian National Pavilion at this year's FHC not only allowed visitors to experience the unique charm of Italian cuisine, but also witnessed the excellent quality and innovative spirit of the Italian food and beverage industry. We are eagerly looking forward to meeting with Chinese companies and food lovers again at next year's FHC to savor Italian delicacies and culture together!



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